Migrating and Replacing Legacy Systems With Modern Workforce Management Solutions

Migrating and Replacing Legacy Systems With Modern Workforce Management Solutions

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A legacy system is any outdated computer platform or software application a business continues to use. While not always an aged technology, the system might lack vendor support or fail to meet an organization’s evolving requirements. It might also be so ingrained in workflow processes that businesses believe replacing it wouldn’t be cost-effective.

While it may seem counterintuitive to replace a paid-off system, the continued use of legacy systems can become the more expensive option in the long run. They can also be challenging to integrate with newer technology. If this sounds like your organization, a modern workforce management system is your solution. By automating your processes, an upgraded system can help reduce errors, streamline processes and increase productivity in your workplace.

Learn more about the benefits of workforce management systems and how to modernize your legacy system.

Risks of Legacy Systems in the Workplace and the Benefits of Replacing Them

Using legacy systems can lead to higher long-term costs due to maintenance issues and trouble finding replacement parts when needed. You might struggle to manage outdated systems and find people who still know how to maintain them. Not to mention, it can be challenging to implement new functions or integrate a legacy system with new software since they often operate in isolation and create data silos.

Discover the numerous advantages of replacing legacy systems with modern solutions, including:

Greater Cost-Efficiency

Improved cost-efficiency is one of the most significant benefits of modern workforce management systems. While the exchange process requires an upfront cost, keeping legacy systems around can cost you more, making it worth the time and investment to update. Plus, a modern workforce management system makes keeping track of time sheets and labor needs effortless.

For example, with PenguinData’s cloud-based workforce management software, you can schedule the correct number of employees to meet demand and earn the highest revenue. Seamlessly keep track of payroll, work shifts and other important considerations. The change to our system means reduced maintenance costs and less overstaffing, translating to increased cost-efficiency.

Business Growth

As your business grows, you’ll likely outgrow the key functions of your legacy system. You might need to scale your operations or change objectives, meaning systems must also improve. Modern workforce management solutions can help you develop and grow. The business value generated from this upgrade often quickly exceeds the savings from maintaining legacy systems.

If you continue using a legacy system, you might find that outdated software or hardware prevents you from adopting new technology designed with cloud-based systems. Modernization allows you to access these tools and reap the benefits of improved productivity and functionality, helping your business thrive.

PenguinData’s industry-leading platform puts your company at your fingertips. Our workforce management solution is scalable and will grow alongside your organization. Choose from the Emperor Suite of modules or purchase a la carte, where you can select the modules most relevant to your industry and employee management requirements.

Ease of Workflow

Modern workforce management systems can streamline workflows, relieving the burden on employees. This lightened load can boost morale and lead to a happier team. An updated workforce management system also ensures all team members have the necessary equipment and information to work efficiently and eliminate downtime. A productive staff completes more jobs and earns more profit in less time.

For example, with PenguinData’s employee portal module, you get visibility into your employees’ day-to-day performance, allowing you to identify growth areas to foster employee success.

Ease of Workflow

Using an automated platform to manage and organize your business can help prevent costly mistakes as well, protecting your bottom line and allowing you to maximize profits.


Modern workforce management systems automate time-consuming tasks, freeing up time you can spend on other duties. It can take hours to assign projects, create schedules and manage your payroll, and since these are some of your business’s most critical and time-sensitive tasks, they must be done correctly and on time. Complete these tasks in a fraction of the time through automation — while improving accuracy by eliminating human error.

With PenguinData’s workforce management solution, you can keep track of important data like inventory and employee performance more efficiently. Automating these tasks can help you reduce operational gaps and secure more time to focus on work that facilitates growth.

Ultimately, an automated system can help you grow and scale your operations, as legacy systems often lack the features and capabilities needed to automate essential tasks that improve productivity and profitability. Overall, the opportunities of modern workforce management systems far outweigh any advantages of keeping a legacy system.

The Legacy System Migration Process

A successful legacy system migration requires careful planning, effective communication and ongoing maintenance. Here are the basic stages involved in most legacy system modernization approaches:

  1. Planning: In the planning stage, you’ll identify your company’s pain points and areas for improvement, as well as the goals of migration. Encourage collaboration and communication between your IT and development teams throughout the planning stage, allowing developers to compile a list of fixes and additional steps to support the migration process.
  2. Execution: The first step in transitioning to a modern system is migrating your data. All sensitive data must be encrypted and protected, and you must ensure that any modifications to the data do not impact performance or stability. Test your system before, during and after migration to ensure all data is transferred correctly and your system functions properly.
  3. Post-migration strategy: After you have finished your migration project, you’ll need to implement a post-migration strategy. Develop software and tools to support the new data structure and ensure it is compatible with the new system. Your strategy should also include a plan for long-term data maintenance and management, whether that’s through routine checks, backups or updates to keep data secure and current.

By following these best practices, you can implement an up-to-date, cost-effective and efficient workforce management system to enhance your organization’s capabilities.

Selecting the Right Workforce Management Solution

Choosing a workforce management solution involves more than choosing software. It also requires finding the right vendor who will become a trusted partner and support you through the migration process. There are numerous key factors to consider as well, such as your industry, workforce characteristics and strategic goals.

Consider these factors to make an informed decision and drive success for your organization:

  • A centralized source of truth for HR data
  • Transparency into costs and other metrics
  • Automated schedule generation that pulls in real-time data and workers’ preferences
  • Streamlined schedule creation
  • An inviting user experience for workers to complete admin tasks

Choose PenguinData for a workforce management solution to grow your business. Our Workforce Management Software is available as an Emperor Suite of Modules or individual modules, so you can choose what’s best for your organization. Enter your data just once to make it available on every module your company uses.

PenguinData Is Your Workforce Management Solution

PenguinData Is Your Workforce Management Solution

Adopting modern workforce management solutions can lead to more significant cost savings, improved efficiency and boosted morale for your business. Choose PenguinData for a workforce management solution to enhance productivity and drive success. By working with us, you take advantage of our investments in the talent, hardware and infrastructure it takes to bring a robust workforce management system to market.

Appreciate 24/7 support from experts with industry-specific knowledge who can help you adapt our platform to your specific business operation. We have solutions for organizations of all sizes and industries. To get started, schedule a free demo today!